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 April-May Focus

Our outreach focus through the end of May is creating RESTART KITS for refugees being resettled to Salem. The current needs are below. You are welcome to bring items on any Sunday (or when Tuesday crew is working). If you bring them on the first Sunday they go to the front of the church to be blessed along with our other offerings.  Funds are also welcome!  Please designate your giving to
Outreach: Refugees.
Thank you in advance!
 Electric tea kettle and black tea, monthly calendar, map of Salem area, Blanket, "Welcome" doormat, notebook and pens/pencils, umbrella, scissors, small sewing kit, flashlight and batteries, wall clock with numbers, alarm clock, and light bulbs (4, CFL or LED).
 Comforter, blanket, sheets, and pillow cases, waterproof mattress cover, and 1 Pillow.   CLICK HERE TO GIVE